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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why Dating is Like Diet and Exercise

7 Reasons Dating is like Diet and Exercise

  1. Bad relationships and bad food can leave you fat, unhealthy, and miserable
  2. It requires you to get off your butt and do something
  3. You must be committed to the process
  4. Sometimes you just want to give up
  5. You experience discomfort
  6. It has a way or reducing you to your lowest denominator
  7. If you stick with it, the pay off can be life changing

Monday, January 30, 2012

Little Known Sex Facts About Women

LADIES, do you know how amazing your body is?
  • The clitoris only functions is sexual pleasure
  • Men have 4000 nerve ending at the tip of there penis, women have 8000
  • The clitoris is made of erectile tissue
  • Women are capable of having multiple orgasms simultaneously

So Ladies show YOURSELF and IT some love!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

10 Qualities Everyone Wants in a MATE!

What makes someone attractive or a keeper? What type of qualities are universal? What is the most important attribute when it comes to selecting a subtle partner or mate? You may be surprised; the most sought after quality isn't looks.

The top ten qualities are:

  1. Confidence
  2. Humor
  3. Looks
  4. Great Sex
  5. Acceptance
  6. Communication
  7. Challenge
  8. Financial Stability
  9. Taste
  10. Chemistry was I.

Most of all, be these things because you are what you attract.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year, A New You

2011 is gone. 2012 is here. A new year deserves a new outlook. Keep your prespective fresh by utilizing some of the tips.

  1. Let it go. Dont bring old drama into a new year
  2. Take Responsibility for your Life
  3. Put Yourself First
  4. Speak Your Mind
  5. Set Boundaries
  6. Discover who you are.
  7. Try Something new.
For further info check out my YouTube channel by clicking the link.